Wine Mediation

Our Personal, Individual, and Exclusive Wine Mediation Services

As a passionate and experienced oenologist, I, Matthias Walter, lead a small, traditional company with a motivated team specializing in the mediation of high-quality grapes, musts, and bulk wines from national and international wine regions.

Our passion and commitment to excellence are reflected in every aspect of our service.

We leverage our extensive expertise and years of experience to provide you with exclusive access to the finest wines produced conventionally, organically, or sustainably (Fair'n'Green).

At MW Consulting, we work closely with leading wine and sparkling wine producers and maintain connections to key markets in Germany and across Europe. Personally, I also regularly produce wine market reports for well-known wine magazines in Germany and Italy.
wine mediation

Our Personal, Individual, and Exclusive Wine Mediation Services

As a passionate and experienced oenologist, I, Matthias Walter, lead a small, traditional company with a motivated team specializing in the mediation of high-quality grapes, musts, and bulk wines from national and international wine regions.

Our passion and commitment to excellence are reflected in every aspect of our service.

We leverage our extensive expertise and years of experience to provide you with exclusive access to the finest wines produced conventionally, organically, or sustainably (Fair'n'Green).

At MW Consulting, we work closely with leading wine and sparkling wine producers and maintain connections to key markets in Germany and across Europe. Personally, I also regularly produce wine market reports for well-known wine magazines in Germany and Italy.
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